
01 - New Pedagogies for Deep Learning & Age Appropriate Pedagogies

Developed by world renowned educators and researchers, New Pedagogies for Deep Learning is an approach to teaching and learning designed to respond to the needs of the learners of today and the future, and prepare children with the skills and confidence to proactively contribute to their society. It is an approach that simultaneously develops knowledge, skills and attitudes that will be necessary to successfully cope with, participate in, and ultimately contribute to, shaping the future for the betterment of their community or society.
This approach involves teaching students the key competencies that incorporate the skills and attributes needed for learners to flourish as citizens of their world. The six key (Global) competencies include Character, Citizenship, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity and Critical Thinking. Deep Learning is the acquisition of these skills through the teaching and learning process.
Deep learning is learning that sticks with you for life. As an approach it is designed to tackle issues of both wellbeing and equity and has been proven to be most effective with those most disconnected from schooling by shifting the focus of the learning process to one that is authentic, interesting and based on student interests and experiences. This approach also redefines the moral imperative of education away from just focussing on academic achievement and attaining targets to an approach that focusses on both academic achievement (learning) and a strong sense of identity (connectedness). Deep learning is therefore best seen as a combination of good learning (academic achievement and progress) and good connectedness (identity and life skills) that promotes a strong sense of wellbeing through a focus on being good at learning and good at life.
Age-appropriate pedagogies for the early years of schooling: Foundation paper was developed by Griffith University on behalf of the Queensland Government and reviewed literature and research associated with age-appropriate modes of teaching (pedagogies) in the early years of schooling that engage young children and achieve effective learning outcomes. The foundation paper also considered the alignment of these learning and teaching approaches with current school accountability expectations.
A set of key expectations habv] identified that should be taken into account when considering age-appropriate pedagogies (how we do what we do) to ensure that teaching both responds to learners and attends to holistic and curriculum goals.
This approach requires a balanced repertoire of age-appropriate pedagogies to ensure that educators are responsive to learners and fulfil teaching goals. A balance is also needed between holistic development and academic goals in order to give children a strong foundation for success at school and in later life, as well as across child-initiated and adult-initiated learning experiences in order to recognise children’s agency and promote their capabilities.
Positive personal relationships amongst teachers and peers is required to foster motivation to learn, social collaboration, engagement and enjoyment with playfulness pervading learning and teaching interactions. High quality verbal interactions are also needed for sustained shared thinking in collaborative learning. Adult leadership and scaffolding is needed for cognitive challenge and the development of higher order thinking. Opportunities for active learning are needed in real-life, imaginary, spontaneous and planned experiences.
The alignment between these two approaches is clearly evident, as is the connection between a range of planned and incidental learning experiences, opportunities to explore new concepts from a real life perspective and the development of the skills learners need to cope with setbacks while still engaging in a productive and proactive way.
This approach is also clearly evidenced in how we approach what we do at a whole of school level through the various programs, policies and practices of the school as we enact our values and vision statement and our strategic improvement plan.

Last reviewed 26 May 2021
Last updated 26 May 2021